
Join Erin Mikail Staples and Brian Rinaldi for DevRel(ish), a live talk show that discusses developer relations (aka DevRel) and DevRel adjacent careers, including interviews with DevRel professionals, discussion of hot topics and tips for your being or becoming a DevRel.

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Previous Talk Shows


Management Fundamentals with Kelly Vaughn

Erin and Brian are joined by Kelly Vaughn, a product and engineering leader at Spot AI who runs a course titled Management Fundamentals for the Modern Leader, about the skills needed to amplify their influence and drive team performance.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Dealing with Remote Work with Joni Trythall

Erin and Brian are joined by Joni Trythall who runs the Wiggle Work community to talk about dealing with the pros and cons (and isolation) of remote work.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Connecting DevRel to Revenue

Erin and Brian are joined by Achintya Gupta, co-founder of, to discuss the endless debate about how to (and should we) connect DevRel activities to revenue growth.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Developer-first Startups with Dana Oshiro

Erin and Brian are joined by Dana Oshiro, a partner with Heavybit which is the leading investor in developer-first startups including Snyk, CircleCI, PagerDuty and more.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Using the DevRel Force with Raymond Camden

Erin and Brian are joined by Raymond Camden, Senior Developer Evangelist for Adobe, about his long, storied history in DevRel and his unabashed love of everything Star Wars.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

DevRel, DevOps and Java with Melissa McKay

Erin and Brian are joined by Melissa McKay, head of developer relations at jFrog about developer relations, engineering and the Java community.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Broadening Access to Opportunities with Jay Miller

Erin and Brian are joined by Jay Miller, developer advocate at Aiven, to discuss their work towards advancing the careers of individuals historically excluded from developer roles and opportunities.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Evangelism vs Advocacy with Colin Loretz

Erin and Brian are joined by Colin Loretz, developer advocate at Discord, to discuss the differences between evangelism and advocacy as a developer relations professional.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Developer Events with Jon Gottfried

Erin and Brian are joined by Jon Gottfried, co-founder of Major League Hacking and former devrel, about developer events and how to run successful hackathons.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Full Stack DevRel with Nnenna Ndukwe

Erin and Brian are joined by Nnenna Ndukwe about her work with Girl Develop It and Black Girls Code about how we can improve representation in DevRel and software in general. - devrel - community
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Fostering Developer Communities with Jake Ward

Erin and Brian are joined by Jake Ward, CEO of Data Protocol, to talk about best practices in developer relations for creating thriving developer communities. - devrel - community
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Content Creation and Data Science with Megan Lieu

Erin and Brian are joined by Megan Lieu, a data advocate at Deepnote, who'll discuss how she approaches content creation and what is it like to move from finance to data science to DevRel. - devrel - data science
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Flavors of DevRel with Kevin Whinnery

Erin and Brian are joined by Kevin Whinnery of Deno who'll chat about the six different flavors of developer relations.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

DevOps and DevRel with Matt Stratton

Erin and Brian are joined by Matt Stratton, director of DevRel at Aiven, podcaster and global organizer of the DevOps Days conferences.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

From IC to Management in DevRel with Tessa Kriesel

Erin and Brian are joined by Tessa Kriesel, Head of Platform Developer Relations at Snap, to discuss moving from an individual contributor (IC) to management in developer relations and hwat makes a successful DevRel team.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

DevRel and Community with Brittany Walker

Erin and Brian are joined by Brittany Walker, Senior Developer Advocate for Contentful and local tech community organizer.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Trends in Developer Relations with Mary Thengvall

Erin and Brian are joined by Mary Thengvall, author of The Business Value of Developer Relations and editor of DevRel Weekly, to talk about trends in DevRel.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Open Source and Advocacy with Rizel Scarlett

Erin and Brian are joined by Rizel Scarlett, a developer advocate at GitHub, who'll discuss her path into devrel and working as an advocate for open source communities.
  • Hosted by: Erin Mikail Staples Brian Rinaldi

Introducing DevRel(ish) - a show about Developer Relations

Join Erin Makail Staples and Brian Rinaldi as they introduce a new show all about careers in Developer Relations (aka DevRel) and DevRel adjacent roles.