Computer Science in Front End Dev: It's For More than Just Interviews
Lean JavaScript fundamentals through hands-on, online training.
Don't worry - all the sessions were recorded and we've recently made them free to watch!
KnowJS is a full-day of learning and training focused on JavaScript language fundamentals.
If you’re curious about the type of content you’ll receive, watch all the preview videos here.
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You probably know about promises by now, but are you still writing your async code as long chains of .then()
s? Did you leap for joy at the recent .finally()
promise feature? Bah. That’s all anti-pattern if you ask me. Promises are one of the most powerful concepts to be added to JS, but have one of the worst API designs of any JS feature.
So how can we make use of promises but not have to suffer this poor and confusing API? Async functions, of course! Except, async/await has some painful drawbacks. Maybe what we really want is generators.
Watch a preview for this workshop on YouTube
This is a 2hr version of the popular JS Fundamentals for Functional Programming workshop. We will speed through the trickier JS fundamentals that you need to know in order to get started with improving your code style with functional programming techniques.
This is an interactive online workshop with exercises that build upon one another so it isn’t recommended to passively watch webinar style.
Who is this for?
Watch a preview for this workshop on YouTube
Building things so they work well in isolation, then piece them together to make the full application makes building applications easier. One thing that really helps with this kind of strategy is to open source your stuff.
In this workshop, we’ll take a look at an existing application, identify a good candidate component for open sourcing, and then go through the process of creating an open source project for that component and add it as a project dependency. By the end that component of the application will be easier to work on and contribute to and we’ll also have it open for the rest of the world to contribute and improve the software which once had bugs that were just as private as the original project repository.
Watch a preview for this workshop on YouTube
A common refrain of many disillusioned front end developers is that deeper computer science concepts are useful mostly for interviews and little else. And to some extent, that can be true! However many are underestimating how often the concepts, the tradeoffs, and other associated concepts subtly arise in every day front end development.
During our time together I will present a few computer science concepts like bloom filters, tree traversals, and array sorting explain how these can show up in places you wouldn’t necessarily expect them and how you can leverage these powerful algorithms and data structures to make yourself a better programmer. By the end I hope to show you that these concepts are both worthy of your attention and not so difficult to learn.
Kyle is an evangelist of the Open Web, and passionate about all things JavaScript. He writes, speaks, teaches, and contributes to OSS.
Bianca is a software engineer at Thumbtack who has written and taught on Frontend Masters, Pluralsight and at various coding Bootcamps throughout the world.
Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he’s actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. Kent is the creator of and he’s an instructor on and Frontend Masters. He’s also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is happily married and the father of four kids. He likes his family, code, JavaScript, and React.
Jem Young is an engineer at Netflix who really enjoys working across the stack but his true passion lies in JavaScript and building a clean user experience.
Lean JavaScript fundamentals through hands-on, online training.
Lean JavaScript fundamentals through hands-on, online training. is a 2-day virtual conference focused on building modern web applications using full stack JavaScript, static site generators, serverless and more. is a 2-day virtual conference focused on building modern web applications using full stack JavaScript, static site generators, serverless and more.