Astro from the Ground Up

Astro is one of the newest static site generators for building Jamstack applications, but it is already having a huge impact on how web sites are built because of its focus on delivering less JavaScript to the client to improve performance. In this session, Cassidy Williams will show you why you should care about Astro and give you all the information you need to get started.

Astro from the Ground Up

Astro is the new kid on the block and rapidly picking up steam! If you’d like to learn the basics of what you should know to get going, come on by.

Cassidy loves to make memes and dreams and software. She’s currently the Sr. Director of Dev Advocacy at GitHub. She’s worked for a variety of companies, large and small, advises startups, and she’s had the honor of working on the board of various non-profits. She’s active in the developer community, and one of Glamour Magazine’s 35 Women Under 35 Changing the Tech Industry and LinkedIn’s Top Professionals 35 & Under. As an avid speaker, Cassidy has participated in many events including the Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Computing, TEDx, the United Nations, and hundreds of other technical events. She wants to inspire generations of STEM students to be the best they can be, and her favorite quote is from Helen Keller: “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” She loves mechanical keyboards and karaoke.

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