Cool Stuff

Sometimes the best way to learn is to tackle a fun challenge, try something a bit out of the ordinary, or take a fresh perspective to an old problem. Our speakers have done just that, from building robots to deep-diving virtual reality. These sessions are a great way to generate new ideas for your next project.


The Last Saree: Connoisseurship in the Age of AI is a 2-day virtual conference focused on building modern web applications using full stack JavaScript, static site generators, serverless and more.

  • Jen Looper

GitHub Copilot Can Do That?

Burke Holland will give us all the tips and tricks we need to get the most of out of generative AI using GitHub Copilot.

  • Burke Holland

Useful and Beautiful Developer Docs and How to Create Them

Johannes Dienst will share his experiences revamping his product's developer documentation and share some tips and advice for what worked to enhance the quality of the documentation and examples.

  • Johannes Dienst